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Looking for audio-video translation? We can help!

When you have audio and audio-video files that need to be reproduced in another language, it simplifies the process by using a company that can handle all aspects of the project. To get a better idea of what's involved, below is a basic breakdown of the steps, from transcription, translation and voice recording to timing, syncing and post-processing.

Need a quote? What you should have ready, before you request your translation quote

When you need a quote for your translation, you simply call or email the agency and ask for one. What you don’t expect, is the array of questions about your translation from the agency quoting your request. From what format the documents are in, to how you would like the files delivered to you and everything in between –when requesting a quote for translation, or typesetting services, there is certain information that you will be required to provide to the translation agency.
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